Saturday, October 17, 2009


I sat down and uploaded three months of pictures and movies tom my computer during the Oklahoma/Texas football game. It is storming outside and I am all cozy inside watching with my family college football. Here are some of my favorites. I turned 30 this Septemeber(eek!) and we went to the Seattle Aquarium and to Jay's parents home in Chehalis. These pictures include James' cousins in the Chicken coop Grandpa Larson was making. The picttre with James on Jay's shoulders is from the pumpkin farm. I think we will head back to the farm soon. The movie of James at the aquarium is taking place in one of my most favorite rooms in the world. The underwater dome.

1 comment:

Washington Hills said...

The Seattle Aquarium is my favorite of all time! So good to see pictures of you, Sue. Hope you're hanging in there! You've been in my thoughts with Holidays around the corner. Hope it is a wonderful, calm time for your family!