Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I posted this on my friends website in response to a question about Gov. Sarah Palin's role as mother and VP candidate. Two things happened. I wrote the longest blog entry of my life and it turned into my political philosophy. My website has not been political in the past but I want to make it more personal. I don't wish to offend anyone so if you don't like political controversy please skip. I loved putting my thoughts into writing. This exercise was wonderful.

I have enjoyed reading all the posts and appreciate a forum to discuss these issues respectfully. Like Christina, I was a successful teacher and left it to be a full time mom to a very active two year old. For me this was the best decision. However, I think dads can and do do a wonderful job as primary care givers. This is my main point though: I AM GRATEFUL TO BE LUCKY ENOUGH TO LIVE IN A SOCIETY THAT ALLOWS THE CHOICE!!! So many don't have this privilege. I just finished the book A Thousand Splendid Suns about women in Afghanistan and it is deplorable the lack of rights for women in some parts of the world. I think when possible that one of the parents needs to be there for their kids at all times when they are young. My feelings are for my family that I am the best person to help my spirited boy master his strong feelings. Motherhood has not come naturally to me. My mom raised 8 kids and I have no idea how she did it. One child is really proving to test my wits. Teaching was much easier than this but for me not as important as being a mother.

On to Palin. I watched the interview with Charlie Gibson also and was struck on how condescending he was to her. There was feeling of animosity and of "how dare you run." This partisanship made me mad until I watched Gibson's interview with Obama. Gibson is equal opportunity. He interviewed Obama with the some of the same edge calling him out on his statement on Israel's capital being Jerusalem and that it should be divided. This is quite an inflammatory statement and Obama was unsuccessfully backing out of it. I think that palin should be asked tough questions. I think that whoever said that the phrase "glass ceiling" is a cliche' is right about the phrase but not about the purpose. A women in the thew White House! This is about as uncliche' as it gets. I don't want just any woman in though. Palin delivered a great speech but my verdict on her is not in. Obama is the same for me. Both are so articulate though and I love that. I also love that Obama would restore diplomacy to the world like Clinton did. Not that we should be appeasers but that we should actually have good representatives out there. For example to have a German ambassador that actually speaks German. (One example of bad diplomacy with the Bush administration). I think of myself as an Independent. I am in the process of making a list from the candidates stances on issues from their websites and voting on facts. Oh and I am in the picture with Christina in front of Bush talking in Provo. He is so more articulate if you don't give him a script. I thought he spoke well that day but get him in front of a TelePrompTer or listen to him laugh/smirk it makes me want to throw up.


CK Rock said...

I've been going through the same sorts of things Susie. My thoughts to evolved into a long rambling blog that reflected my political views. If you'd like, you can read it here

Christina said...

I need to state (since I started this...) that I have absolutely NO problem with women in the workforce! About 60% of moms work, and if they didn't, the economy would collapse even worst then under Bush (if at all possible:)) And, I do want my daughter to grow up knowing she can be whatever she wants- but I also hope that she knows the most important thing she can be is a mom, and nothing should come before that.
You are awesome, Susie!!!! Great post!!!

Sarah Roberts said...

Susie:) you make me laugh:)

Christina said...

In comparing candidates, I found this great website: http://www.obama-mccain.info/index-obama-mccain.php
I think it is very fair and unbiased, and shows what each candidate has said about issues (imagine that, talk about ISSUES!)and what they will do if elected president. If you try it out, let me know what you think- I really did like it.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I like how this election has turned into such a PC war, all about racism and sexism. We all just need to look at the issues and make informed decisions. Good post!